My sobriety date is tomorrow. I’ll always dread it and revere it. I never thought it was even possible. But I got and stayed sober because other people lost their lives as a direct result of my use. I announce it because I’m truly proud. And because I owe it to others to do so. I don’t count down to it. But it’s an inevitable date for me. It’s something that I simply cannot avoid. It’s a day of sadness, deep reflection and even some celebration. There is no other date in my life like this one, like November 1st. I’m sharing this with you so that you can hold it in your hearts with me. A lot of innocent people payed for my sobriety that night. Thank you for being part of my life, my liveliness, my tragedy and my recovery. Thank you for continuing to hold me up and for celebrating my small victories with me. And please, please, please…always drive sober; there are some things that you can never give back. Some nights you never want to have to wake up from.
