Walk Your Own Path
Our coaching services are customized to provide the support you need and the freedom and self-determination to set - and walk - your own path.
Together we will identify your personal values, strengths, and abilities in support of your personal and professional goals so you can move past the obstacles in your life
Connect with me today and discover how I can help you develop different perspectives and achieve the outcomes you’re striving toward.
Specifically designed for people who are in the Contemplation Stage of Change; colloquially referred to as “Sober Curious”. This level of support involves four intensive weeks exploring your ambivalence towards change, during which you will develop a working understanding of the disease of addiction, and how to identify and explain other more eclectic, diverse models and beliefs related to Substance Use Disorders. Some of these include but are not limited to, the “Sin” Model, Social Construct and Labeling Theories, Experience Seeking, and Family Systems Theory. Support services in this level include:
Weekly one-hour, in-person meetings with L. Robert Veeder
Joining Robert once weekly to explore diverse recovery communities
Daily communication with Robert via text, phone, or email
Access to support 24-hours a day (recovery-related questions and concerns only)
Please note that while weekend communications are encouraged when necessary to support recovery, they should be limited to recovery-specific emergencies. Cancellations of appointments occurring on or within 24 hours of appointment will be considered a lost appointment and cannot be made up. Payments are non-refundable. Payment is expected in full at or before an agreed-upon start date between you and A Better High, LLC.

This level of support focuses on resolving conflict and improving communication in family dynamics. Families are introduced to Family System Theory and learn to understand and identify their roles in the family dynamics as they contribute to maintaining substance use. Social beliefs and myths are explored regarding co-dependency, “denial”, and the stages of change related to substance use disorders. This level of support also provides options and education regarding family interventions, including learning about the different types and levels of treatment and various types and options of treatment available.
Included in this level of support are:
5 individual one-hour meetings between A Better High, LLC and the person of concern
3 one-hour Family sessions; and a final one-hour session that brings together all family members and the person of concern.
Daily communication with Robert via text, phone, or email for the primary person of concern
Once daily communication regarding questions, conflicts, and concerns (excluding weekends except in the case of true emergencies)
By the end of this 6-week period family members should experience:
Significantly improved communication
Less fear regarding openly discussing substance use and potential consequences
An understanding of the “stages of change” in behavioral health
A working knowledge of the various types and levels of treatment
Active resources for moving forward when family members agree that it is time and necessary to make a change.
Payment is expected in full at or before an agreed-upon start date between the client and A Better High, LLC.
This level of support is for people who are either very interested in establishing and maintaining sobriety, the “sober-curious”, or those who have already committed to working a recovery program but are looking to add another layer of support or inspiration. This level of support requires a 12-week commitment and includes:
A weekly one-hour, in-person session to discuss your engagement in the recovery process, during which we will examine life changes taking place with your families and loved ones, your mental and physical health and emotional well-being, spirituality, education or vocational goals, and challenges specific to substance use disorders.
Daily “check-ins” via phone, email, or text (excluding weekends unless agreed upon before working together).
This level of support focuses less on psycho-education and more on establishing and maintaining goals that will help reinforce the recovery process, including encouraging accountability in your daily program. Sessions are often performed in areas or venues of interest that help to encourage and explore your interests such as snow-shoeing, kayaking, hiking, and trail-running.
A Better High, LLC utilizes evidence-based practices such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, and other current supportive coaching techniques. People working at this level often express that they find it helpful in achieving both their recovery goals and greater life objectives. and Because this level of support often evolves into long-term support, A Better High, LLC is happy to renew and extend client agreements to help support you beyond the initial 12-week period.
Payment is expected in full at or before an agreed-upon start date between the client and A Better High, LLC. Long-term agreements are offered at a 10% discount.

A Better High, LLC offers staged, in-home, interventions for families who are deeply concerned about a loved one’s active and ongoing use. Truly, every intervention is unique and catered to the individual needs of the person and their loved ones. For interventions to succeed, advance planning is helpful; however, due to the often chaotic and transitory nature of the disease of addiction, this is not always possible. It has been my experience that by the time a family is at the point that they are ready to commit the time, energy, and resources to staging an intervention, planning is very often a luxury. This kind of work often feels like triage; it’s frequently hurried and unfortunately can be laden with panic.
Where ABH can be especially valuable in planning an intervention is in instilling a sense of calm and well-being into the overall conversation.
The question I am most often asked is, “Do interventions actually work?” This is a fair question, with a not-so-simple answer. The truth is that interventions work 100% of the time. That is because recovery is a lifetime process, and an intervention can be an important part of a person’s journey. That said, interventions don’t always yield the immediate results a family may hope for. It’s very difficult to talk others into altering their lives at our behest; however, a well-executed intervention can be a magical and transformative experience for the entire family. It can instill honesty and openness, make communication less frightening and more supportive, and very often result in their loved one agreeing to attend inpatient treatment, outside sober support meetings, or seeking psychiatric and mental health assistance.
Payment is expected in full at or before an agreed-upon start date between the client and A Better High, LLC.
Connect with us today to learn more about how we help people find recovery from substance abuse, reach their goals, rebuild family connections, and create the peace and the purpose they're looking for in their lives.